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Caring for your Weissenborn

Your has be instrument has been expertly crafted by hand and with just a small amount of care and attention will provide a lifetime of music and enjoyment.

See our Electric Lap Steel Care Guide here.

Tuning & Strings

Your guitar will come setup for Open D tuning (DADF#AD) as standard. The strings on the guitar have been carefully selected for playability, volume and maintaining the structural integrity of the guitar. These same strings can also be tuned to Open G (DGDGBD).

The strings we use, and slot our nuts for are the following gauge, from 1st to 6th:

.14" - .18" - .24" - .32" - .42" - .56"

These sets are available to purchase here from our online store.

There is an almost limitless number of tunings that can be used and we encourage you to be creative! Like any acoustic guitar however, it is important to ensure that the strings used do not put excessive tension on the instrument.

Recommended Strings

We recommend our WB56 Weissenborn Strings.

Some of the strings on the market produced for open tunings are produced for resonator and electric guitars, and may be excessive on a Weissenborn guitar.

If you are looking for a replacement from a local music store, most standard True Medium or Medium acoustic guitar string sets will be ideal for Open D or G tuning.

For higher tunings such as Open E, we recommend light gauge strings.

Note that the nut slots are custom slotted for our standard string gauges, and may need to be widened to accommodate heavier strings.

String Replacement

You should regularly replace your strings to ensure optimal tone, and to ensure that string corrosion doesn't damage the instrument.

You should use a dedicated bridge pin tool to remove the pins as pliers, screwdrivers and other implements may damage the pins or guitar.

Care & Maintenance

With proper care and a small amount of ongoing maintenance, your guitar will provide a lifetime of enjoyment.


Hot temperatures should be avoided. A guitar left in a car even on a mild day can reach temperatures that weaken glue joins in a matter of minutes, particularly when under the tension of guitar strings.


It’s important to keep your guitar in a neutral humidity. Your guitar was crafted in approximately 45% Relative Humidity and we would recommend your guitar is always kept between 40-60%.

You should avoid direct contact with water and other liquids at all times.

In locations with low humidity is is advisable to store your guitar in a case with a humidifier. Prolonged exposure to low humidity can cause the guitar top and back to sink and cracking to occur in the tonewood.

Lacquer Finish

The finish requires only an occasional wipe with a lightly damp cloth to remove dust. Avoid solvent or oil-based products as these can damage the finish; use only mild soapy water if necessary.


When not being played you should always store your guitar in a hardshell case away from direct sunlight, extremes or fluctuations in temperature or humidity.


If your guitar has a pickup installed, then there may be some additional care requirements.

Pickups with a built-in preamp such as the L.R. Baggs M1 Active or the Seymour Duncan Mag Mic feature a battery that will periodically need to be replaced. For some longer shipping routes we will remove the the battery.

You will find instructions for installing and replacing batteries with the included instructions.

Passive pickups such as the K&K Pure Mini or Double Helix require minimal additional care.